The published papers are categorized according to the scientific and bibliographic standards, or are papers that are presented at scientific meetings.
Submissions are peer-reviewed anonymously by two independent, competent reviewers. Submissions can be accepted, rejected or returned to the authors for correction. Suggestions for corrections are given by reviewers, experts, editorial board members, the editor-in-chief and the chief editor deputies.
The accepted papers are not always published in chronological order, i.e. according to the submission date to the editorial board.
If the papers contain data or results from master’s theses, doctoral dissertations or research projects reports, the consent of the authors of these works, i.e. the head of the respective research project is needed.
In addition, the sources for these data and results must be cited.
Published works are categorized as:
- Original scientificpapers
(Papers that reveal new, still unknown facts or contributions to scientific issues, and contain elements that allow checking the research results).
- ResearchNotes.
Papers containing results of short and completed research. These papers present synthesized results in a brief manner.
- Preliminary communications.
Papers containing new scientific data whose publication cannot be postponed for a long time. The results of these works may later be re-published in the usual way as original scientific paper which is in progress
- Reviews
Reports synthesized by analyzing and evaluating the status of a scientific problem which is already published in certain papers. The reviews should contain the views of authors on a certain scientific problem as well as the position and the significance of their work to the development of science and enrichment of knowledge in a relevant scientific area.
- Conference papers
Complete papers presented at scientific meetings, but not published in proceedings.
- Professional papers
Papers dealing with findings of existing original scientific papers results. They also emphasize the application of these findings based on knowledge of the research methods applied in the area that is analyzed in the work.
The categorisation of the submissions is carried out by the editorial board (based on a proposal by the reviewers) and does not necessarily coincide with the authors’ proposal.
Technical form for preparation of the manuscript
The papers are written and submitted both in electronic form and in hard copy. Paper length should not exceed 20 pages (A4 paper size, font size 12, single spacing, margins 2,5 centimeters), icluding all attachments (abstracts, tables, photographs, drawings, charts, refe-rences, etc.). Annexes should be prepared with utmost technical and art quality. They should be presented at the end of the text. If taken from another paper, annexes must reveal the full bibliographical source.
In exceptional cases, the editorial board may review submissions larger than 20 pages.
Submissions must include:
- Abstract in the language of the first author’s country;
- Abstract in English;
- Full paper in the language of the first author’s country;
- Full paper in English.
The abstract and the entire paper in English should be proofread by a certified lector.
Papers should contain the following structure:
The title should be brief but informative. Normally it should not contain abbreviations. If abbreviations do exist, their identification should be given in parentheses.
As part of the paper title, authors and coauthors data should be provided, namely:
- – First and last name without titles and positions,
- – Full official title of the authors’ and co-authors’ institutions, city and country,
- – Scientific and academic title, position, workplace, postal and e-mail address, telephone number (preferably mobile phone) and fax number.
Abstract and keywords
The abstract should contain between 200 and 300 words. Its contents should not be identical and coincide with some of the paper text. There should be no abbreviations. It should integrate data on the essence of the work. (Original) research papers should include data on the subject’s sample, measurement instruments, research methods, results and conclusions.
Key words should indicate the essence of the work. They should not be included in the title of the paper. Maximum seven keywords should be mentioned.
Structure of original papers
It should contain information indicators of the research problems, results and associated concluding observations. In addition, the research purpose should be indicated.
Research methods
This chapter should preferably not contain accented subtitles. However, it should include classified indicators for the subjects sample, measurement instruments applied, research methods (experimental, descriptive, historical, statistical, etc.).
The results should be an outcome of appropriate processing methods. The results should be presented in a tabular, graphical or schematic manner, or by drawings, photos, etc. They should be interpreted concisely and should not be repeated in the text expressively by numerical data.
Discussion and conclusions
The discussion scope should be the most significant chapter in terms of the full paper text. It should contain causal relations and explanations of the results obtained. It should also include data interpretation from the applied data processing methods and interpretation of scientific results.
The discussion should be characterized by appropriate comparisons of the research results with results of previous relevant research. Directions could be given concerning the theoretical and practical significance of the research results and their kinesiological and scientific impleme-ntations.
The research conclusions should be integrated and synthesized with the discussion of results. They are based on discussions and should not overlap with the survey results.
Citation of references in the text and in the “References” should be in accordance with the Harvard referencing system (American Psychological Association standard). The references citation examples given in these Guidelines should be followed by the authors.
In the text
- Citation is made only from original sources. If they are not available (if quoted indirectly), the appropriate wording should be used (“taken from…”, “according to:…”). Citation should be either in original form or in quotes.
- In case of indications of results, views, thoughts, etc., the name of the author should be indicated in parentheses, followed by a comma, and the year of publishing of the paper, for example: (Strel, 1987).
- If an author that obtained research results is stated, the publishing year should be indicated in parentheses, in addition to the last name of the author. Example: (From the comparison of the results from the measurement characteristics of the motor tests, received by Gligorov (1999), one can assume that…).
- When two or more research results’ sources are cited, published in the same year, by the same author or group of authors, the citation in the parentheses should be in the following format: author’s (authors’) last name, comma, years alphabetical order in lowercase, on which commas are placed. Example: Bala (2002a, 2002b). In such cases, these sources must be listed in the chapter “References” in the same order.
- If two authors are cited, e.g. Naumovski & Gontarev (2006), it is necessary to specify both surnames and year.
- If the authors have the same surname, the initials of the first names are indicated. For example: A. Naumovski (2002) & M. Naumovski (2006). The listing of such sources should be used throughout the paper regardless of the different years.
- In cases when three, four or five authors are cited, the first indication should contain all surnames and year. Subsequent citations should only indicate the first author and the words “et al.”. For example, the first indication is: Morrow, Jackson, Disch & Mood (1995) and subsequent indications, only Morrow et al. (1995).
- If there are more than five authors, the citation should be as in the case of three to five authors in the subsequent indication, i.e. by stating the first author and “et al.”. For example: Kurelić (1975). However, the citation of bibliographic units in the chapter “References” should list all authors.
- The citation of the paper for which no data on the author are available, the title of the paper is indicated, instead of the surnames. For example: Ministry of Education and Science (2008).
- In exceptional cases (when the original source is unavailable), cross-referencing is used. In parentheses the following is indicated: the author quoted, the year of publication of the paper which contains the source, a semicolon, “by”, the author quoted, comma, year. For example: (Momirović, Wolf & Popović, 1999; by: Gontarev, 2007).
In the “References”
- The journal uses APA standard. The most common indications of sources under that standard are shown bellow. The sources are listed in alphabetical order by surname of the first author or title of the paper if the author is unknown. If the same author appears alone in one work and as the first author with two or more authors in other works, his independent works should be cited first. Then, in alphabetical order of surnames the second, the third and subsequent papers are listed. If the same author appears more than once, the works are listed chronologically, i.e. starting with the earliest towards the latest work.
- In cases where works are in process of publication, it is necessary to give all information on the paper. The words “in press” should be put instead of the publication year.
- Instead of surnames, in cases where the author is unknown, the title of the work and other data should be indicated.
- Regardless of the number of authors of the paper, all authors are indicated. Their names are separated by a comma and before the name of the last author the symbol “&” is put.
- When a book (monograph) is cited, its title should be written in italic.
- When a paper published in a journal is cited, the title of the journal and the year (volume) are written in italic.
- All bibliographic units are indicated in the original language in which the paper is written. If the paper is not written in English, the translation of the title in English should be indicated in squared parentheses.
The subsequent text shows examples of most common indication of bibliographic units in the “References”.
Books (Monographs)
Graton, G., & Jones, I. (2006). Research methods for sports studies. London and New York: Routledge.
If the source is not in English, the English translation of the title is given in squared parentheses, as well as the language from which the translation is made.
Naumovski, A. (2004). Osnovni statisticki metodi vo sportot. [Basic statistical methods in sport. In Macedonian]. Skopje: Fakultet za fizi~ka kultura, Univerzitet „Sv. Kiril i Metodij“ vo Skopje.
Hessler, E., & Amazeen, P. (2009). Attentional demands on motor-respiratory coordination. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 80(3), 510-523.
If the work is in print, in parentheses, the term “in press” is used instead of the publication year. The volume, the number of the issue and the pages of the journal in print must be stated.
Naumovski, A. (in press). Comparison of the predicative value of the anthropometric and motoric latent dimensions for the success in two sport elements of basketball and volleyball. Sport & science.
If a paper published in a Supplement is cited, the number of the Supplement is indicated in parentheses, instead of the number of the journal.
Bala, G., Golubović, Š., & Katić, R. (2010). Relations between Handedness and Motor Abilities in preschool children. Collegium Antropologicum, 34 (Suppl. 1), 69-75.
Chapters in books
Čokorilo, R. (2007). Emocionalni razvoj predškolskog deteta. U G. Bala (Ur.),Antropološke karakteristike i sposobnosti predškolske dece (str. 227-248). [Anthropological characteristics and abilities of preschool children. In Serbian]. Novi Sad: Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja,Univerzitet u Novom Sadu.
Papers in proceedings of conferences
Hughes, M., & Reed, D. (2005). Creating performance profile using perturbations in soccer.Proceedings of 4th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology „Science andProfession – Challenge for the Future“, Opatija, 2005, (pp. 34-53). Zagreb: Faculty
of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb.
Doctoral, Master’s and Graduate works
Gligorov, S. (2008). Prediktivna vrednost na nekoi bazi~ni motorni testovi nalizirana so razli~ni metodolo{ko-statisti~ki postapki vrz uspehot na situacionite motorni testovi kaj ispitanici so natprose~ni motorni sposobnosti. . [Predictive value of some basic motor test analysed by different methodological-statistical procedures on the success of the situation motor tests with tested individuals with above-average motor capabillities. In Macedonian.] Doktorska disertacija, Skopje: Fakultet za fizi~ka kultura, Univerzitet „Sv Kiril i Metodij“ vo Skopje.
The citation of undergraduate and master’s theses is identical with the citation of doctoral dissertations. Instead of “Doctoral dissertation” the terms “Master’s thesis” and “Graduate Wo-rk” should be used accordingly.
Electronic sources
Given the specifics of electronic resources (computer software, computer and information services, on-line sites), their indication in this text is shown by general order of the parts of the bibliographic unit by some examples.
On-line Abstract
The order of the elements of the bibliographic unit is as follows:
Surname, initials of the name. (Year). Title. [[on-line]]. Journal title, volume, first page-last page. Abstract from: Name the file collection: name of the unit collection: unit-tag.
Mayer, A.S., & Bock, K. (1992). The tip of the tongue phenomenon: Blocking or partial activation? [on-line]. Memory and cognition, 20, 715-726. Apstrakt od: DIALOG Датотека: PsycINFO Единица: 80-16351
On-line journal, available by e-mail
The order of the elements of the bibliographic unit is as follows:
Surname, initials of the name. (Year, month). Title. [обем на трудот]. The journal title [On-line на сериската публикација], volume (number). Available by e-mail: e-mail message, text message.
Funder, D.C. (1994, March). Jugmental processand content: Commentary on Koehler base-rate [9 paragraphs]. Psycoloquy [on-line na seriskata publikacija], 5(17). Avaliable by E-mail: psyc@pucc Message: Get psyc 94-xxxxx
CD-ROM Abstract
The order of the elements of the bibliographic unit is as follows:
Surname, initials of the name. (Year). Title [[CD-ROM]]. Journal title, volume, first page-last page. Abstract from: Source and number of the unit.
Mayer, A.S., & Bock, K. (1992). The tip of the tongue phenomenon: Blocking or partial activation? [CD-ROM]. Memory and cognition, 20, 715-726. Abstract from: SilverPlater File: PsycLIT Unit: 80-16351
WWW (Internet, Web page)
The order of the elements of the bibliographic unit is as follows:
Title page. (Date). City: Publisher. Posted on day. month. year Web page: http header.
Electronic reference formats recommended by the American Psychological Association. (19.11.1999). (19.11.1999). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Made available on 3.5.2000. From the web page: