Registration Fee

Participation in scientific meetings (symposia and conferences) in organization of the Federation of Sports Pedagogues of the Republic of Macedonia requires payment of a registration fee.

The registration fee includes:

The amount of the registration fee is precisely determined in the invitation for a certain symposium or conference.

Payment is made to the following address: The Federation of Sports Pedagogues of the Republic of Macedonia, bank account 300000001971367, UTC 4030995161919, a depositor of: the Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje.

for registration of the meeting participants.

Foreign participants make payments in Euros to the address: Account holder: Federation of the sports pedagogues of the Republic of Macedonia, Iban code mk 07300701002220006, S.W.I.F.T. KOBSMK2X, Account No: 0270100222088, Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje.